

or {{getTranslate('webposta')}} Github {{getTranslate('buton')}}.
  • {{getTranslate('umulynedir1')}}


  • {{getTranslate('hesap2')}}

    • {{getTranslate('hesap3')}}

      {{getTranslate('url')}} {{getTranslate('method')}} {{getTranslate('description')}}
      {{getTranslate('apiuser')}} {{getTranslate('post')}} {{getTranslate('apimetin')}}
      {{getTranslate('parametre')}} {{getTranslate('tip')}} {{getTranslate('gerekli')}} {{getTranslate('description')}}
      {{getTranslate('isim')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('dogru')}} {{getTranslate('ornekisim')}}
      {{getTranslate('email')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('dogru')}} {{getTranslate('kayitornek2')}}
      {{getTranslate('sifre')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('dogru')}} {{getTranslate('uygulamayaerismekicin')}}
      {{getTranslate('parametre')}} {{getTranslate('tip')}} {{getTranslate('description')}}
      {{getTranslate('durum')}} {{getTranslate('int')}} {{getTranslate('200mesajalir')}}
      {{getTranslate('durumyazi')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('hatakodunundurumbilgileri')}}
      {{getTranslate('item')}} {{getTranslate('objectarray')}}
      {{getTranslate('itemcount')}} {{getTranslate('int')}} {{getTranslate('sorgutamamlandiktansonraks')}}
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      {{getTranslate('taleptarih')}} {{getTranslate('tarihsaat')}} {{getTranslate('kullaniciistekzaman')}}.
      {{getTranslate('taleptarih')}} {{getTranslate('tarihsaat')}} {{getTranslate('sunucuislemleriys')}}
      Item(Id) string Registration ID of the person created as a result of user registration process.
      {{getTranslate('itememail')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('kullanicikayitolurkeneposta')}}
      {{getTranslate('itemname')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('kullanicikayitolurkengirdigiadsoyad')}}
      {{getTranslate('itemfoto')}} {{getTranslate('string')}} {{getTranslate('kullanıcıprofilfoto')}}
    • {{getTranslate('hesabinizidogrulayin')}}


    • {{getTranslate('sifrenizisifirlayin')}}

      {{getTranslate('url')}} {{getTranslate('method')}} {{getTranslate('description')}}
      {{getTranslate('apiuserresetpas')}} {{getTranslate('post')}} {{getTranslate('sifrenizisifirlayinmetin')}}
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Email string true The email address connected to your account for a password reset must be registered in the system.

      A reset code will be sent to the your e-mail address after you sent a reset the password request. This code will be used in change password service (On section 2.4).
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
    • 2.4 - Change Your Password

      Url Method Description
      /api/user/change-password Post API to be used to change user password. After the reset API runs, a reset code will be sent to the e-mail address you entered as the input in the reset API. In the API, e-mail and new password information, as well as this reset code information, must be entered as input. The new password must meet the criteria for creating a password.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Email string true Registered e-mail address which will be used to change password.
      Password string true New password information that you haven't already used with this account and must include required password criteria.
      Code string true Verification code which was sent to your email after reset password request.
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
  • 3 - Get Token Information

    Url Method Description
    /api/token?email={email}&password={password} Get API to be used to authorize the user with the email and password so that the user can take action in the application. When token API runs, an authentication is made from the email and password information provided as input, and if validation is successful, token information is sent
    Parameter Type Required Description
    email string true Registered e-mail address which will be used to authorize to access the API.
    password string true Registered password which will be used to authorize to access the API.
    Parameter Type Description
    Token string Token information to be returned if email and password information of the requester is verified.
  • 4 - Inquire User Profile Information

    Url Method Description
    /api/my Get API to be used to return active user information.
    Parameter Type Required Description
    Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
    Parameter Type Description
    Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
    StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
    Item object, array
    ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
    SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
    RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
    ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
    Item(Id) string Record ID of the user which is created as a result of the registration process of the user.
    Item(Email) string The e-mail address that the user entered when registering.
    Item(Name) string Name and surname information that the user entered when registering.
    Item(ProfilePhoto) string Profile photo of the user.
  • 5 - Edit Profile Informations

    Url Method Description
    /api/my Put API to be used to update user profile informations. You can update your Umuly profile informations (name and profile photo) using this API
    Parameter Type Required Description
    Name string true Name, surname infromation of the user. For example; Ahmet Yılmaz
    ProfilePhoto string false Profile photo of the user. It must be on Base64 format.
    Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization = Bearer {Token}
    Parameter Type Description
    Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
    StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
    Item object, array
    ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
    SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
    RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
    ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
    Item(Id) string Record ID of the user which is created as a result of the registration process of the user.
    Item(Email) string The e-mail address that the user entered when registering.
    Item(Name) string Name and surname information that the user entered when registering.
    Item(ProfilePhoto) string Profile photo of the user.
  • 6 - Domain Operations

    • 6.1 - Inquire Single Domain

      Url Method Description
      /api/domains/{domainId} Get API to be used to get the domain details corresponding to the related domain ID. This API is used for a particular domain and corresponding domain id should be sent as input value.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      DomainId string true ID information of the registered domain.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the domain.
      Item(Name) string Name of the domain.
      Item(Url) string Full address of domain (with http or https)
    • 6.2 - Inquire Multiple Domain

      Url Method Description
      /api/domains Get API to be used to get a list of all domains of the user. This API will run for all of your active domains (not for a particular domain) defined in Umuly.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the domain.
      Item(Name) string Name of the domain.
      Item(Url) string Full address of domain (with http or https)
    • 6.3 - Add a New Domain

      Url Method Description
      /api/domains Post API to be used to add a user-specific domain. Only free and premium account users can create their own domains using this service.

      If you don't have a premium package yet, you can buy a package and create custom domains, or you can first create custom domains and then buy a package to activate the corresponding service.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Name string true Name of the domain.
      DomainUrl string true Full address of domain (with http or https)
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the domain.
      Item(Name) string Name of the domain.
      Item(Url) string Full address of domain (with http or https)
    • 6.4 - Update Domain Informations

      Url Method Description
      /api/domains/{domainId} Put API to be used to update the informations (name and domain url) of a custom domain.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Name string true Name of the domain.
      DomainUrl string true Full address of domain (with http or https)
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the domain.
      Item(Name) string Name of the domain.
      Item(Url) string Full address of domain (with http or https)
    • 6.5 - Delete a Domain

      Url Method Description
      /api/domains/{domainId} Delete API to be used to delete a user-specific domain.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      DomainId string true ID of the registered domain.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
    • 6.6 - Name Server Settings

      You must change your DNS (Domain Name Server) like, etc.

  • 7 - URL Operations

    • 7.1 - Inquire Single URL

      Url Method Description
      /api/url/{urlId} Get API to be used to get the domain details corresponding to the related URL ID.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      UrIId string true ID information of the registered URL.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the URL.
      Item(DomainId) string ID of the domain of related URL.
      Item(Code) string Raw code for short URL.
      Item(RedirectUrl) string Redirection address.
      Item(ShortUrl) string Short URL address.
    • 7.2 - Inquire Multiple URL

      Url Method Description
      /api/url?Skip={PageNumber}&Domain={Domain}&Code={Code}&RedirectUrl={RedirectUrl} Get Returns all URLs corresponding to the related parameters.
      There are 10 records per page.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      Skip int false The number of the page where the URLs are listed. The default value is 0.
      Domain string false Domain address information.
      Code string false Short code information.
      RedirectUrl string false Redirection address defined by the user.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the URL.
      Item(DomainId) string ID of the domain of related URL.
      Item(Code) string Raw code for short URL.
      Item(RedirectUrl) string Redirection address.
      Item(ShortUrl) string Short URL address.
    • 7.3 - Create Your Short URL

      Url Method Description
      /api/url Post API to be used to create short URL by user.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      DomainId string true ID of the registered domain.
      If no domain ID information is given, default domain will be “".
      RedirectUrl string true Redirection address defined by the user.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the URL.
      Item(DomainId) string ID of the domain of related URL.
      Item(Code) string Raw code for short URL.
      Item(RedirectUrl) string Redirection address.
      Item(ShortUrl) string Short URL address.
    • 7.4 - Update Your Short URL

      Url Method Description
      /api/url Put API to be used to update the domain and redirect URL informations that belong to the related short url.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      UrlId string true ID information of the URL.
      DomainId string true ID of the registered domain.
      If no domain ID information is given, default domain will be “".
      RedirectUrl string true Redirection address defined by the user.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      Item object, array
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.
      Item(Id) string ID of the URL.
      Item(DomainId) string ID of the domain of related URL.
      Item(Code) string Raw code for short URL.
      Item(RedirectUrl) string Redirection address.
      Item(ShortUrl) string Short URL address.
    • 7.5 - Delete Your Short URL

      Url Method Description
      /api/url/{urlId} Delete API to be used to delete a user-specific url. To perform the delete operation, url id of the short url to be deleted must be sent as input.
      Parameter Type Required Description
      UrlId string true ID information of the registered URL.
      Headers.Authorization string true Headers.Authorization= Bearer {Token}
      Parameter Type Description
      Status int Status information of the service result. If successful, it takes 200 message.
      StatusText string Textual expression of the status information of the error code.
      ItemCount int Number of records found after the query completed.
      SkipCount int Total page count of records found in the query.
      RequestDate date time Request time of the user.
      ResponseDate date time Response time after server operations is completed.




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